Fat burning activity of tea catechin and caffeine

Thermogenesis is often related to obesity. Numerous studies indicate that a good percentage of obese have low levels of thermogenesis. Several natural products can increase thermogenesis. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) has thermogenic properties, it uses fatty acids for the production of heat and to protect the body from the cold. In a new clinical study just published on The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a beverage containing 615 mg of catechin and 77 mg of caffeine increased the activity of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and elevated cold-induced thermogenesis. The thermogenic effects of catechins, the active ingredient of green tea, have therefore been further confirmed.

Yoneshiro, Takeshi, et al. “Tea catechin and caffeine activate brown adipose tissue and increase cold-induced thermogenic capacity in humans.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition105.4 (2017): 873-881.

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